Friday, January 04, 2008

Vote Bobelf 2008

I have decided to take a break from WOW to persue the presidency! Why because the other canidates suck, and instead of not voting for any of them I thought that maybe I should throw my hat into the ring. So before I start rambling on let me get right down to business and describe my political views for voters.

Here is my step by step fool proof process to save the world by 2012:

Step 1: Make people smarter
There's too many idiots in the USA, and throwing more and more money at schools doesn't seem to help. So here's my solution... take the less is more approach. Cut the school day in half. These students aren't learning things after lunch they're sleeping in the back. This also has a benifit of increasing the $/hour ratio to twice what it is now. Teachers have shorter days and don't have to stay up late to correct homework so they are more rested for their students in the morning. Students also benifit, longer afternoons means more opportunities for students to get out and burn off a few calories to help with those bulging waistlines. One more thing we should do is make older students responsible for 1 on 1 tutoring of younger students. Because the best way to learn is to teach.

Step 2: Create more jobs
With ever growing populations we need a way to help increase the job market. Instead of doing some tricky tax break and fudging numbers (think trickle down economics), lets take the simple approach. Slash the current full time work week in half from 40 hours a week to 20 hours a week. In the blink of an eye we've now doubled the number of full time jobs. That also adds a second bonus of being able to spend more time with your children so you can teach them the values and morals they need to learn instead of letting the schools (or worse the internet) do it for you.

Step 3: End the Violence
Terrorists are often the result of a problem not the problem itself. An economist can probably spot terrorist hot spots better than any millitary general. Simply put, as the value of human life goes down (i.e. more people are born than can economicly fit a given area) the more likely people will be to take another human beings life goes up.

There are two ways to deal with this problem. One way is to tell people they can't have lots of children. This way rarely works because it goes against our very nature, we want to procreate.....alot. The second solution is to find more room for everyone. This is the reason why america is the greatest country in the world, we had more spare room than anyone else. But now if you've taken a stroll across the country (easily done with google earth) you can see we are starting to run out of room.

As you can see this isn't an easy problem to solve at all. So when a country is faced with a huge challenge like this it needs to be focused and inspired. Kind of like what Kennedy did for the race to the moon, I think we should race to terraform Mars. And not some long drawn out approach that takes thousands of years, because we need martian condo's like yesterday.

Simple solution take mars and just add water. Using advanced rocket technologies we can divert ice commets to the red planet. If we hit her with enough snowballs at once we might even be able to kickstart the core of the planet. As an added bonus we learn everything we need to know about saving our planet from any rocks that are aimed at us. Theoretically this could be accomplished within our life time.

Until we can start constucting martian housing we need a way to get people here on earth to just chill out and quit being so angry all the time. My stop-gap solution.... legalise weed. Not just for medical use but for recreational use. We can tax the hell out of it like alchohol and cigarettes and use the revenue to give NASA the money they need to terraform mars.

If you feel the same way I do let the politicians know and vote Bobelf 2008!


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