Tuesday, November 21, 2006

LF Hardcore Killers

Do you think you've got what it takes for hardcore competetive PVP? Well this Sunday November 26th you will have your chance to prove it and walk away with up to 150 gold in prize money. Just meet me at Steelgrill's Depot (just outside Ironforge) at 6:00 pm server time, and be ready.

Try-outs will consist of four unique challenges designed to test your courage, strength, humor, and patience. Finallists and contests winners will be chosen at the sole discretion of me (Bobelf).

Test of Courage
Are you not afraid to die? Well then prove it. You must take a noggen fogger (feather fall) induced leap from the top of Ironforge Mountain and you must NOT survive it. The player that can plummet from the sky and drop thier corpse closest to mine will win 50 gold.

Test of Strength
I need to know who's a hardcore killer so how about an Arena Death Match! Last person standing after 10 minutes of blood thirsty combat win's 50 gold. Corpse runs allowed.

Test of Humor
Sometimes the pvp grind can cause hardcore burnout. I need to know that we can count on our team members for comedic relief when needed. Objective of this test: Funniest Costume. Anything goes pets, props, and pallies in dresses. If I think your the funniest you win 50 gold.

Test of Patience
Now comes the final test. A group of 10 semi-finalist must prove thier worth and force a pre-form wsg team to AFK by doing nothing but turtling in the flag room. Nobody on offence, period! I need to know if you can outlast the toughest opponents, not just pummel them into the ground.

Finalists will be invited to grind enough honor tokens and bg marks to buy at least one GM weapon after the 2.0 patch comes out. Eventually the final pvp group will be used to start a competetive ranked arena team come burning crusade and level 70.

All you have to do to start an epic pvp journey is show up at Steelgrill's Depot at 6:00 pm server time on Sunday Nov, 26th, and be ready. For any other questions pst me in game.


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